3-Story Projection And 7ft Lightboxes Honours The Life Of Bob Marley + A 14ft Textile Print Celebrates Canada’s 150th Anniversary Of Confederation

Client: Royal Ontario Museum (ROM).

Services Provided: Creative Direction, Photography, Print Production, Image Licensing.

On multiple occasions I have been commissioned to provide imagery in celebration of special events at the ROM, Canada’s largest art institution. First for their ever popular Friday Night Live series in honour of the life of reggae legend Bob Marley and secondly in commemoration of Canada’s 150th anniversary as my special edtion of Face Of Canada became a massive patriotic photo-op for 150 newly sworn in Canadian citizens.
One of the Royal Ontario Museum’s most knowledgeable docents describes Robert Young’s Face Of Canada and the YOUNG WORLD FACES series, on display in the museum’s historic ceremonial entrance hall, the Rotunda. The piece was on display in honour of Canada’s 150th Anniversary of Confederation and was on loan from the artist and the Office of the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario where it was held on extended display until it was acquired by the Government of Ontario Canada Art Collection.
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